土と語る、森の中の美術館 兵庫陶芸美術館 The Museum of Ceramic Art, Hyogo


Exhibition All

Special Exhibition

INVITATION - Contemporary Works of Japan & Europe - from the Collection

Sep 15 - Dec 2, 2007
Theme Exhibition

RED, The Tamba Ware  from the Collection

June 30 - Sep 24, 2007
Special Exhibition

MIMPEI  Ware - Illusionary Ceramics from Awaji -

June 16 - Sep 2, 2007
Theme Exhibition

VESSELS, The Tamba Ware from the Collection

April 14 - June 24, 2007
Special Exhibition

Ceramics from HYOGO -There's something here...now -

Mar 3 - June 3, 2007
Theme Exhibition

Ceramic Masterpieces from Hyogo from the Collection

Feb 3 - April 8, 2007
Special Exhibition

TAMBA STYLE -Traditions & Experiments -

Jan 20 - Mar 4, 2007
Theme Exhibition

Ceramic Masterpieces of TAMBA II from the Collection

Nov 11, 2006 - Jan 28, 2007
Special Exhibition

Human Form in Clay - the Minds Eyes -

Nov 3, 2006 - Jan 8, 2007
Theme Exhibition

Ceramic Masterpieces of TAMBA I from the Collection

Sep 9 - Nov 5, 2006
Special Exhibition

Living National Treasure, MATSUI Kosei - A Retrospective

Sep 9 - Oct 22, 2006
Special Exhibition

Ceramic NOW+

June 10 - Aug 27, 2006
Special Exhibition

Bernerd REACH - A Retrospective 

Mar 18 - May 28, 2006
Special Exhibition

TANAKA KAN Collection& Contemporary Ceramics from the Collection

Dec 24, 2005 - Mar 5, 2006
Special Exhibition

TAMBA - 800 year history of Ceramic Masterpieces

Oct 1 - Dec 11, 2005