土と語る、森の中の美術館 兵庫陶芸美術館 The Museum of Ceramic Art, Hyogo


Exhibition All

Theme Exhibition

World of TAMBA ware season2

May 23,2018-Mar.24,2019
More info (Japanese page)
Special Exhibition

The Beauty of Yayoi :Form and Design in Ancient Earthenware

Mar. 10- May 27, 2018
More info (Japanese page)
Theme Exhibition

Appreciate by surrounding 〈Picturesque garden in ceramics〉

Dec. 9, 2017 - Feb. 18, 2017
More info (Japanese page)
Special Exhibition

Ceramics of Hyogo from Setouchi and Awaji

Dec. 9, 2017 - Feb. 18, 2018
More info (Japanese page)
Special Exhibition

IMAEMON-Tradition and Innovation in Nabeshima Porcelain Decorated with Overglaze Enamels by the Imaizumi Imaemon Family

Sep. 9 - Nov. 26, 2017
More info (Japanese page)
Theme Exhibition

四代永澤永信展 -自然を映す白磁の世界-

June 10 - Aug. 27, 2017
More info (Japanese page)
Special Exhibition

A Japan Ceramics Network Partnership Program "The beauty of Meissen Porcelain: The lovely figurines and the flowery service"

June 10 - Aug. 27, 2017
More info (Japanese page)
Theme Exhibition

World of TAMBA ware

May 27, 2017- Mar. 31, 2018
More info (Japanese page)
Theme Exhibition

Kawaii yakimono wakiaiai -lovely ceramics-

Mar 4- May 21, 2017
More info (Japanese page)
Special Exhibition

Masterpieces of Tamba ware and Sanda ware from the Hajimu Mori collection

Mar 4- May 28, 2017
More info (Japanese page)
Special Exhibition

Analysing Pottery – Glazes –

Dec. 10, 2016 - Feb. 12, 2017
More info (Japanese page)
Theme Exhibition

Yasuo hayashi, looking for his own ceramic art

Nov. 22, 2016 - Feb. 12, 2017
More info (Japanese page)
Special Exhibition

Ceramics Japan: Tracing Japanese Modern throgh Ceramics

Sep. 10, 2016 - Nov. 27, 2016
More info (Japanese page)
Theme Exhibition

Cool Ceramics

July 2, 2016 - Oct. 16, 2016
More info (Japanese page)
Special Exhibition

Rencontre-いま、ここで、出会う 《交差する現代陶芸コレクション》

June 18, 2016 - Aug. 28, 2016
More info (Japanese page)
Special Exhibition

The Compelling Beauty of Arita Ceramics in the Age of the Great International Expositions

Mar. 19, 2016 - June 5, 2016
More info (Japanese page)
Theme Exhibition

Small talk about overglaze enamels : produced in Hyogo

Mar. 8, 2016 - June 26, 2016
More info (Japanese page)
Special Exhibition

The Tamba Winter Exihibition - the Age of the Climbing Kiln

Dec 12. 2015 - Feb 14, 2016
Special Exhibition

THE TAMBA Admiring Ancient Tamna in the Beauty of Autumn

Sep 19 - Nov 29, 2015
Theme Exhibition

Masahiko Ichino, his trace in Tamba

Sep 5. 2015 - Feb 14, 2016